Inferred CSAT
Measure Customer Interactions with Inferred CSAT and CSAT Factors
Survey CSATs have low take rates, are polarizing and are lagging indicators. Running customer experience department on such extreme and biased data points is dangerous. It is challenging to pinpoint actions without underlying rationales for lower CSAT.
Augments survey CSAT with deeper AI based Inferred CSAT on 100% of bots and humans
Underlying factors provides explainability and actionability to Inferred CSAT - resolution, effort, frustration, empathy, next steps, confusion, transfers and escalations
Pin point low CSAT interactions to improve them
Get a real-time leading indicator which is objective, actionable, and can be fine tuned for specific business needs

Cuein AI will help you
Measure Inferred CSAT
Measure CSAT Factors
Boost Inferred CSAT
Let us show you how you can measure 100% of your CX interactions and boost Inferred CSAT